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Homecoming 2015


After eating a hot pie from the wood-fired pizza food booth at Campus Decs, I headed downtown to the historic Missouri Theatre to attend Sheryl Crow’s concert. I have genuinely enjoyed Crow’s music since my mom and I listened to it together when I was young; maybe the concert was my own way of “coming home” in a sense (and my mom was very excited that I was going, too). As a member of the MU Women’s Chorale in the School of Music, I was also glad to support a cause that will benefit the School of Music building project.













Crow openly shared stories about her time as a student at Mizzou. After performing a few songs, she shared her admiration for her professors in the School of Music, her commitment to Greek life as a sorority sister in Kappa Alpha Theta, her time working as a waitress at The Field House and memories of late nights spent at Harpo’s.


She showed her Mizzou pride by starting the M-I-Z Z-O-U cheer, which engaged the entire audience.  At the end of the concert, the theatre was cheering to call her back for an encore. Finally, she came back on with her band after everyone continued to chant the Mizzou cheer, a sign of her connection and gratitude to the school.




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